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描述雅思口语Part 2地点题的时候,无论去过与否,皆有很多共通的素材可以展现出来。当然,如果去过,这样的经历能够帮助我们的内容变得更为丰富多彩。拿一道当季真题举例:
Describe a city you have visited and want to go back to in the future
You should say
Which city it is
Where it is
What you did there
And explain why you want to go back
本人高中留学经历是一段精彩的历史,因为是在迪拜这样的非常规的留学国家度过的,这在口语考试中瞬间戳中考官的兴趣点,让他觉得眼前一亮,毕竟大部分同学们习惯性地描述国内的或者是欧美的一些城市,思路都很大众化,缺乏一定的创新,但也恰恰是考官看重的点之一。我在那里待过很多年,所以就能从各自不同角度切入展开,把这个城市描画得多姿多彩,在explain why you want to go back这个点上就会有出彩的表现。那么这2分钟我会这样说:
Ive been to many different cities before, but the one that impresses me the most must be Dubai. Its a city of the United Arab Emirates which is located in the middle east of Asia. It would take me about 4 hours to get there from Beijing by airplane. Actually I spent my entire high school life in this place and was totally a unique experience. During that period, I learned that Dubai is culturally different from Beijing, as the religion of Muslim plays an important role. To be honest, I didnt fully travel around in Dubai, due to the fact that I was occupied by my heavy work at that time, which is also the main reason why I would like to get back there again in the future. I only took certain pictures around the well-known tourist attraction 7 star hotel Burj Al Arab, but I didnt get to appreciate the beauty of the bay and gulf. If possible, I would be happy to experience the entertaining events like Desert Safari or Surfing. Apart from that, Dubai has earned reputation by its largest shopping center Dubai Mall. It would be fantastic if I could revisit there and witness the glory again. But most importantly, getting back to the place where I spent my academic life is necessary. Im urged to see how well my previous school has developed.


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